Cowell Ranch Beach, Half Moon Bay / by Sagar Mukala

This week, I wanted to capture an interesting seascape located at the Martins Beach. I looked up the tide charts and went prepared to create my idea. Unfortunately, the road towards Martin's beach was blocked. I was surprised to a see a No Trespassing sign on the final road that gets you to the beach. I immediately researched about it and figured out that one of the Tech Billionares, Vinod Khosla bought the piece of land that gets you to the beach and put a no trespassing sign there. It's very strange because the Martin's beach is a publicly accessible beach, but he is blocking people from entering the beach through his property. It looks like the only way one can get to Martin's beach is to swim there from another beach. This left me with no option but to find another vantage point before the sun sets. I quickly drove to cowell ranch beach access and setup my gear to get this shot. Hope you like it. I strongly advice my fellow photographers not to break the law while creating their art. 

With love,